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How to Add Image Credits in WordPress?

Add Image Credits

Some of our visitors asked us about how to add image credits in WordPress.

Add image credits are a method to let visitors know about the original creator of the image that we are using on our website. It shows good trust and also saves you from legal issues.

In this article, we will describe to you how to add image credits in WordPress. We will also write more about why it is necessary, and what are the results of not doing it.

Why do we add Image Credits in WordPress?

Images are highly charming and attractive, and they make our blog articles look visually appealing. However, we cannot copy any image from the web(another website) and add it to our blog post.

Maximum number of images on the internet are protected by copyright laws. We can only use them with permission from the copyright owner of the image.

Some photographers and artists maybe show their work under licenses that allow other people to use their images. However, mostly these licenses require us to give proper credit to the original creator before use.

Why adding Image Credit is Important for us?

All pictures on the internet are protected by copyright laws inside the ones where we cannot see a copyright notice. It means we cannot use them on our website without the owner’s permission.

If the image owner specifically describes that their images can be re-used under licenses like creative commons, then we must need to add image credit and give proper attribution to the original work.

This is very important to give proper image credit to obey the copyright laws and avoid neglect upon someone’s rights.

It is a display of respect for other people’s creative work. It also protects us against legal issues and protects us by violating intellectual property rights and copyright laws.

What is the Importance of Not Giving Image Credits?

The owner can file a DMCA complaint against your website to search engines which will force them to delete that content or images from search results.

They can also request our hosting provider to remove the content. Some companies may suspend your hosting account and notify you later.

Add Image Credits in WordPress

Add image credits below an image in WordPress without using any plugin.

First, we need to upload the image to our WordPress post or page. We can also use a previously uploaded image by clicking on the image. Once we select an image, it will automatically prompt a box to appear, where we’ll see a caption field. Captions can be used to explain an image or photograph. It can also be used to add image credit and give proper rights to the original copyright owner.

We can use to add image credit text in the caption field. Some copyright owners need you to add a link back to the actual source. Once done, you can go and save your changes.

How to search the Image Credit and License Information

We can find this information on the image download page. Clicking on the provided link will give you more details about the license. It will also explain how to give credit properly.

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