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How to Fix WordPress white screen of death error issue?

WordPress white screen of death

We have been using WordPress for a few years and we have to face WordPress white screen of death error many times. The WordPress White Screen of Death is one of those extremely troublesome problems such as error in setting up a database connection. This problem is a frustrating reason for users because it lets you get out of your WordPress admin panel. Since there is no error output in most cases, you are unaware of understanding what the problem is. In this article, we will write about the way to fix the WordPress White Screen of Death by looking at some potential solutions.

Note: Before you make any changes to your site, make sure you have enough backup.

Why do you get WordPress white screen of death error?

When you see a white screen of death, it means that you have ended the memory limit. This may be due to a plugin that you are using that is not working properly. This could be caused by moving your website to a new host. This can also be due to a poorly coded theme that you are using. This can also mean that there is a problem with your web hosting server. Since the problem can be due to any thing, it may require many troubleshooting.

It can be an issue with a plugin or theme that you are running. If the problem is only with one post or page, then you know that this is definitely a problem with your specific site.

Increasing the memory limit

Generally this problem occurs because your memory is ending. Use our tutorial on how to increase memory limit in WordPress Website

Disabling All Plugins

If you have not been helped to increase the memory limit, or if you have a high memory limit, then you need to start troubleshooting. In our experience of troubleshooting WordPress White screen of death issue, we have always found that the problem is with a specific plugin or theme. We need to disable all plugins.

If you can access the WP Admin screen then try disabling all your plugins and then reactivating them one by one. If you are unable to access your WP Admin screen, log in to your website via FTP. Find the folder wp-content/plugins and rename the plugin folder like plugins_old. This will disable all your plugins.

Out-of-date plugins are more likely to cause problems as a result of the white screen of death.

Replace Theme with a Default Theme

This is especially possible if you are experiencing a white screen of death after activating a new theme, or have created a new site in the WordPress network. Log into WP Admin area and activate default wordpress twenty seventeen theme. If you are unable to access your WP Admin area, access your website via FTP and locate to /wp-content/ themes/folders. Rename the folder for the active theme.

A simple plugin/theme check issue should be fixed. If you have to face any other WordPress white screen of death conditions, let us know so that we can learn from it and share our experience to WordPress community! You may also want to read our complete article on how to fix blank thumbnails in the WordPress Media Library.

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